Sears Craftsman Router Crafter Manual
I recently bought a Craftsman Router Crafter at a yard sale. This particular one is the 720.25250. I downloaded the instructions for it online but they turned out to be for a 720.25251. I believe they are virtually identical to each other.

However, I know from mine and others like mine on ebay the 25250 comes with a steel rod about 3/16 diameter and 6 to 8 inches long. This item does not show up in the 25251 manual and I have been unable to find the actual 25250 manual on line.
It is probably nothing to significant but now it has become one of those thing that I just need to know. Can anybody with the 25250 manual tell me what this is? Has anyone ever made anything with this tool that would care to share some pictures or experience? I bought it from EBay because it looked interesting but have never tried to make anything.I made several lamps, some handles for candle lighters at our church and a few other things.
Sears Craftsman Router Crafter Manual
The candle lighters had a neat spiral pattern that could be done with the crafter. What I found was that your selection of contours was limited to your assortment of bits and many bits could not be used at all. There is a template guide on mine that is supposed to let you make more complex curves, but the depth of cut of round nose and straight bits is pretty limited. I haven't used mine for years. One problem with the original design was the plastic used for the pulleys was not UV stable and degraded over time to the point of failure. I had to have a friend make me replacement pulleys out of aluminum to keep mine functional. You are pretty limited on maximum diameter for turnings.
Craftsman Router Crafter For Sale
I did make an adapter that fit into the cup style head stock that let me work with pieces that did not fit into the cup of the headstock. Last edited by Lee Schierer; at 2:08 PM.