3666017 Cummins Manual

Quick Reference Guide #3605963 Date: 4/95 Cooling Routine Maintenance Recommendations Drain and flush system every 2 years and refill with heavy duty coolant - 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze Always use antifreeze. In addition to freeze protection, antifreeze is essential for overheat and corrosion protection Supplemental Coolant Additive(Fleetguard DCA4) required with C8.3 Change coolant service filter at EVERY oil drain interval.
Use correctly sized Fleetguard DCA4 service filter or Add correct number of units of liquid SCA and use plain filter # of SCA Units - 2 Fleetguard Service Filter - WF-2070 If an SCA other than Fleetguard is used, follow mftr. Topoffs should be done with heavy duty coolant - 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze and 1.5 units of SCA/gal of coolant (SCA for C8.3) While not required, DCA4 can be used with the B5.9, though any incremental benefit will be small Definition of Heavy Duty Coolant A combination of 50/50 water and low silicate antifreeze (ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are acceptable) 1.5 units of SCA per gallon of coolant (C8.3 only) Protects to -34F. Freeze protection decreases above 68% antifreeze Antifreeze must meet ASTM D4985 (GM6038M) specs Why Are SCAs Needed?

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This is a Quote from the Cummins 3.9/5.9 shop manual on compression testing; 'Due to variables such as; starter and battery conditions that effect engine cranking speed, it is difficult to establish an absolute value for compression pressure; however, the following values can be used as guidelines:. New Engine (cranking speed @ 250 RPM) 2413 kPa ( 350 psi). Used Engine ( cranking speed @ 250 RPM) 2068 kPa ( 300 psi) It is recommended that the compression pressure be checked and compared on all cylinders.
All Cylinders should be within 690 kPA (100 psi) of each other ' Paul. This is a Quote from the Cummins 3.9/5.9 shop manual on compression testing; 'Due to variables such as; starter and battery conditions that effect engine cranking speed, it is difficult to establish an absolute value for compression pressure; however, the following values can be used as guidelines:. New Engine (cranking speed @ 250 RPM) 2413 kPa ( 350 psi). Used Engine ( cranking speed @ 250 RPM) 2068 kPa ( 300 psi) It is recommended that the compression pressure be checked and compared on all cylinders. All Cylinders should be within 690 kPA (100 psi) of each other ' Paul I suppose using a $25 import compression tester is another variable too!;).
And to get accurate reading, be sure to crank the engine the same number of rotations for each cylinder. At 200-250 rpm it'll be hard to count lol. Maybe the same time frame? Say you crank the first one for 5 seconds, then do each one the same.
3666017 Cummins Manual For Sale
Also try not to take to long doing it to keep temp the same across the board. There's a lot of variables to this and I believe there is up to a 100 psi differential between the lowest number and highest one.
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3666017 Cummins Manual
The closer the better. The blue by test is the method that Cummins suggests but this will tell you which cylinder it's the culprit if your having issues.