2017 Kia Sedona Owners Manual Guide

I'm Kelly Temple from Eastside Kia. More of our Kia vehicles are now equipped with Navigation units. I'm going to take a minute a show you how to use a couple of the features that I personally use most often.
The first thing I like is the map display feature; I can see where I am while I'm driving. HOW TO SET YOUR DESTINATION BY ADDRESS A feature that is quite useful is the destination navigation; All I have to do is enter the destination that I'm trying to navigate to. You can do this two ways; the first is by entering in an address: - Hit the ADDRESS BUTTON - Enter the CITY - Enter your address - Hit SET DESTINATION - Hit START GUIDANCE - START FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS The 2nd easiest way of setting the destination is as follows: - HIT DESTINATION BUTTON - HIT POINT OF INTEREST - ENTER THE LANDMARK YOU WISH TO GO TO - HIT SET AS DESTINATION - Hit START GUIDANCE That's it! The basics of operating your navigation function in your KIA.
2017 Kia Owners Manual
You can find full details in your owners manual. I'm Kelly Temple, Dealer Principle from Eastside Kia. For more tips, check out our Youtube channel or visit or blog at albertakiadealer.com Eastside KIA 2256 23st NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 8N3 Canada (403) 250-2502.