Track Worker Exam Study Guide
Some wonder where they can get study guides for for MTA civil service exams. Here are direct links for those books: 1. MTA NYCTA Bus operator study guide (TA only as this is not needed for MTA Bus or MaBSTOA): or 2. MTA NYCTA Subway Conductor: 3. Assistant Signalman: 4. Assistant Superintendent (Cars and Shop): 5.
Assistant Superintendent (Power): 6. Assistant Superintendent (Signals): 7. Assistant Superintendent (Track): 8. Train Operator (actually they are calling it Motorman in this new series book): other book:.Find out if the Motorman is for NYC Subways. I know the Train operator is. 9.
Track Equipment Maintainer: 10. Trackman (Track worker): 11.Train Dispatcher: 12. Assistant Train Dispatcher (No new copy available): 13. Train Service Supervisor (no new copy available): 14.
Surface Line Dispatcher. Just a quick note: I studied the arco book for the bus operator exam. It was nothing like the test. I studied the arco book for a fireman, it was nothing like the test. FOR THE BUS OPERATOR EXAM#8006, study a commercial drivers manuel, or a drivers ed manuel. They ask you driving questions.

As for points of interests, just know where major highways are, and major points of interests. They won't ask you on what street is the MTA headquarters located on. They will ask you, 'In what borough is prospect park'? What 3 boroughs does the tri-borough bridge connect'? Note: Those were actual questions from the last test.
Mta Track Worker Study Guide
Chris Frusci. Yep there are questions on there from the Arnine days. If you're interested in that sort of thing, go ahead and buy the book, but it's not going to help with the exams much. Yeah subway guy I was going to say the same thing. Those books from passbooks sold down by chambers street at the book store are a waste of time.

About 90 percent of those books are outdated and are way harder than any test given. Also all these books consist of are a series of exams with nothing to study from. You just simply answer the questions look at the end of the book to see if they are right.
You don't know why these answer are right or wrong because these books don't give you any notes or reference material to study from. I was going to buy a book for a friend of mines for the S/A exam and once I seen a question referred to a S/A as a Rail Road Clerk I put the book down.